Порядок денний Естратегічної консультації

FV 3: Як B2B компанії повинні витрачати гроші на маркетинг | Ліам Мороні

In this episode, Liam Moroney, founder of Storybook Marketing, unpacks the buzz around demand generation and how B2B companies can optimize their marketing spend.

Here’s what’s inside:

  • Why “demand gen” is the LinkedIn buzzword everyone loves but no one defines clearly.
  • How B2B can borrow from B2C playbooks—without falling into consumer marketing traps.
  • The biggest budget mistakes B2B marketers make (hint: lead gen isn’t everything).
  • Why building brand affinity (yes, even with podcasts) matters as much as revenue metrics.
  • Pro tips on refining your ICP for laser-focused campaigns and evolving it as you grow.
  • How authentic LinkedIn videos filmed in real-world settings can grab attention and build trust.

Liam also shares practical tips for balancing creativity and efficiency in video production while keeping it real. If you’re willing to rethink how you approach demand gen, this episode is packed with useful insights you won’t want to miss.

Listen now to improve your B2B marketing approach!


00:00 Вступ та передумови

02:24 The Rise of Demand Generation in B2B Marketing

06:01 Influence of B2C Marketing on B2B Marketing

10:43 The Future of Demand Capture and Marketing Budget Allocation

13:08 Misallocation of Marketing Budgets in B2B Companies

22:37 Determining Marketing Budget Allocation

29:11 Ensuring Alignment for Execution Excellence

35:47 The Obsession with Tech and Tools for ROI Attribution

42:37 Understanding the Audience and ICP in Demand Gen

43:59 Identifying the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

45:16 Narrowing Down the Target Audience

46:10 Making Educated Guesses on the ICP

47:28 ICP Evolution and Expanding Target Audience

48:52 Creating Videos in Nature on LinkedIn

53:21 Workflow for Creating LinkedIn Videos

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