Порядок денний Естратегічної консультації

FV 9: Контент та ШІ для прибуткового зростання в B2B | Коді Шнайдер, Swell.ai

Will sits down with Cody Schneider, CEO of Swell.ai, to discuss how AI and influencer marketing are revolutionizing B2B. Cody shares tips on building audiences, automating workflows, and creating content that drives results.

Основні висновки:

  • Expertise trumps general knowledge—AI thrives with depth, not fluff.
  • Start small with automation, and let it transform your workflows.
  • Swell.ai turns podcasts into multiple content formats to maximize reach.
  • AI + human expertise = superhuman growth.
  • TikTok and Instagram Reels are must-haves for engaging Gen Z buyers.
  • Personal branding and consistent video content build trust and visibility.
  • Lean, automated teams with strong collaboration drive sustainable growth.
  • A powerful brand fosters loyalty while supporting direct-response marketing.

Packed with actionable advice, this episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to combine AI, content marketing, and modern B2B strategies to stay ahead of the curve! 


00:00 Вступ та передумови

12:53 Implementing AI and Battling Against AI

33:00 The Rise of Demand Generation and Video Content in B2B

40:26 Leveraging Social Media Platforms to Reach Gen-Z Buyers

59:07 Transitioning from Bloated to Lean Teams in B2B Organizations

01:08:56 Building a Strong Brand

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