Порядок денний Естратегічної консультації

FV 15: The Decline of Outbound, Founder-led Content & Social Growth | James Hanzimanolis

Will sits down with James Hanzimanolis, founder of Outbounder and Erudite, to discuss the shift from traditional outbound sales to founder-led content and inbound marketing.

James tells us about how he shut down his outbound agency, citing the challenges of modern outbound sales and the rising power of personalized messaging and strategic research. He points out the effectiveness of organic social media, podcasts, and partner marketing for building a pipeline while giving us some expert tips for getting ahead of  LinkedIn’s algorithm and maximizing engagement.

The conversation also compares LinkedIn and X as platforms, their strengths for different audiences and posting strategies. James emphasizes that consistency, authenticity, and patience are the secret weapons for success in today’s sales and marketing landscape.

На винос:

  • Outbound sales are declining, giving way to founder-led content and inbound strategies.
  • Modern outbound success relies on research, personalization, and strategy.
  • Organic social media, podcasts, and webinars are game-changers for pipeline generation.
  • On LinkedIn, the first 15–20 minutes of a post matter most—use strong hooks and post 18+ hours apart.
  • LinkedIn is becoming more pay-to-play, but it excels for enterprise and upper mid-market targeting.
  • X allows for faster, more frequent posting, making it ideal for startups and smaller businesses.
  • Tools like ZoomInfo boost outbound efficiency by providing valuable data and intent signals.
  • Social media success demands consistency, authenticity, and patience to build engagement and trust.‍


00:00 Вступ та передумови

03:58 The State of Outbound in 2024

08:33 How James got into Inbound (ft. Seth Godin)

15:00 Founder-Led Content and Inbound Marketing

21:36 Organic vs Paid Social and Pay-to-play in Social Media

26:00 How to Master LinkedIn Organic Growth and Inbound Sales

33:00 LinkedIn vs. X: Differences in Thought Leaders and Target Audience

44:17 How James uses ZoomInfo for ABM & Outbound Sales

54:33 The Importance of Organic Social Media Efforts

59:56 Consistency, Authenticity, and Patience in Building a Social Media Presence

Почніть з нас:

Скоротіть витрати на рекламу в LinkedIn щонайменше на 50% за допомогою нашої стратегії керованої співбесіди

Включає в себе
  • Стратегія контенту
  • Профілі клієнтів
  • Media Playbook
  • Кращі потенційні клієнти
  • Розширення повноважень засновника
  • Скорочена та автоматизована воронка продажів
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