Порядок денний Естратегічної консультації

FV 10: The Evolution of PPC and the Role of AI | Frederick Vallaeys, Optmyzer

Will chat with Frederick Vallaeys, CEO of Optmyzer and one of Google’s first 500 employees. Fred shares insights from his Google days, the evolution of PPC, and how AI is reshaping search and advertising. He highlights the power of decentralization, customization, and tools like ChatGPT to create tailored messaging and strategies for clients.

Основні висновки:

  • Fred helped shape AdWords at Google before founding Optmyzer, a platform that streamlines PPC management.
  • PPC has evolved, simplifying advertising for small businesses, but pro marketers must stand out by providing insights that guide AI systems.
  • Generative AI like GPT is transforming search, and advertisers need to adapt to new buyer journeys.
  • Social media drives demand but must address trust issues.
  • The future of search lies in blending AI, social platforms, and decentralized tools to deliver niche, high-quality content.
  • Optmyzer automates tasks like campaign setup, optimization, and budget protection with features like PPC insurance and social media rule engines.
  • The platform’s mission is to help marketers work smarter and achieve better results.

Packed with actionable insights, this episode is a must-listen for marketers looking to stay ahead in the ever-changing digital advertising world! 


00:00 Вступ та передумови

09:59 From Google to Optimizer

30:47 Decentralization and Customization in Advertising

38:26 Preserving Budget and Preventing Wasted Spend with PPC Insurance

48:02 Differentiating Optimizer from Other Tools in the Market

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